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Ralph Bossino kedvenc VT-i - 1. rész

2008.09.18. 20:16 Hammer

A szeptemberi virtuáltuning-versenyeit a BosStylists támogatja sorsjegyekkel, amelyekkel az egyik virtuáltunerünk által rajzolt, BosStylists által összeépítendő 650-700 lóerős Honda S2000 nyerhető meg. Nem csak a kihívásaink győztesei, de a cégtulaj, Ralph Bossino kedvencei is jutalmat kapnak. Most az eddigi öt kedvencéről számolunk be.

A képekre kattintva a hvtm-re jutsz, ahol megnézheted a többi versenyzőt nagyobb felbontásban is.

Honda Civic Type-R

A négyajtós Type-R nálunk sajnos nem kapható, de a VT-seknek ez nem jelentett akadályt. A BosStylists kedvence gabesz autója lett, elsősorban a kellemes összhangja, nem eltúlzott átalakításai miatt. Az autó szinte a realitások talaján áll, akár megvalósítható is lehetne - szemben sok más VT-csodával, melyek közül kettő a kihíváson le is taszította a dobogó alsó fokára.

Being the first competition I judge for HVTM I was really happy with the quality. Judging this Civic Type-R competition has turned out to be pretty difficult, as there are some amazing photoshops, however from a realism point of view this car takes it for me. I am a big fan of wide body kits and love the fact that the arches on this Type R take the car to another level without making it over the top (this for me is the key to car tuning). The mirror placement, eyelines and wing all added to the overall appeal of the car. All this together with the modified ASM bumper and perfect rim fitment makes this a well-deserved winner.

Ford Puma

Az apró Ford kupét egy OVTV (online VT verseny) keretében, mindössze három óra alatt dolgozták fel a versenyzők. Ralph - még a végeredmény ismerete előtt, annim módban - Goodie később kihívásgyőztessé is emelkedett autóját választotta kedvencének. Három óra alatt nehéz nagyot alkotni, de megfelelő idomokkal, jó színválasztással sikerült ízléses és hatásos tuningautót rajzolni a kismacskából.

I really like this photoshop. I like the way the Premier kit has been adapted to fit the Puma and I’m surprised at how good it looks. I love the fitment of the wheels and feel the bronze works really well with the white. Nice mirror placement and cleared headlights to add the final touch. I am not too sure about the black / carbon fibre boot lid. I would prefer it to either be white or to have the black as the whole centre part of the car (i.e. including the top and the bonnet).

GAZ Siber

A hvtm szerkesztője Goodie nem kényezteti el a kezdő tunereket, elég nehéz stúdióképet kaptak a Chrysler Sebringből lett Volgáról. Ralph Bossinónak sem volt könnyű kiválasztani a csekély számú versenyzőből a szerinte legjobbat, sapee autóját, amely amúgy második helyezett lett a versenyen. Sajnos IRL még ez sem jönne be neki maradéktalanul.

I think Goodie made my job pretty difficult with this contest as I really do not like the GAZ, especially not for the beginner level, but sometimes life gives you hard challenges and it is my job to see who dealt with it the best and which I could see in the real world. I chose this car as it seemed very fitting with VIP style. The car is very low, always a common trait in VIP style and sports chrome rims. I like how the bottom of the front bumper was done but am not too keen on the Audi style grill. I feel it is too much open space left blank. I would also have liked to see the front bumper extended a bit further down to lie level with the side skirt. This I feel is very important for bodykits in the real world as I think they look wrong and out of place if they are not level, instead of looking like the car just came out of the factory. Overall it is a very good effort for a beginner on a car I think must have been hard to work with

[Sorry Goodie I just had to put in that you made my life very hard .. I have spent a good while trying to decide which of those I could see in the real world as the car is not nice at all :P ]

Audi RS4

A VT Masters idei 8., rendhagyó módon OVTV-futamán gabesz csak második lett, három óra alatt készített fehér tuningcsodájával, de Ralph csodálatát ismét sikerült kivívnia. Annak ellenére, hogy az autó nem minden porcikájával elégedett a Honda-építő, ez tetszett neki legjobban a mezőnyből.

There were parts I liked about this car very much and parts I was not so fond of but overall this is the car I could see on the streets. I love the RAYS rim choice and fitment, I think they are perfect to compliment what was done to the car. The wide front fender taken from the GT-R and the wide rear fender stretching across the rear door look great! The mirrors, blacked out rear window and the wing also complement the car very well. Whilst I believe the S3 style front bumper goes pretty well with the overall theme of the car I would have liked to see something more adventurous, however I would have that bumper with smaller splitters to make it slightly less aggressive. The two tone hood is something that did not convince me. I prefer the theme to run through the whole car and in this case the hood looked out of place to me, since the black did not continue towards the back of the car. Neon lights are a no in my books, but in this case it looks ok and I understand that this is a Virtual Tuning competition and points are given. The criticism is to be taken with a pinch of salt as I would be more than happy to be seen driving round in that car .. very good work!

Mitsubishi Eclipse

A legutóbbi haladó kihíváson szokatlanul erős mezőny jött össze, részben a jó alapképnek köszönhetően, de talán nem függetlenül a nyereményektől. Kallio nem szokványos tuningja nem csupán lenyomta a cicás autókat, de a BosStylist favorite címet is kiérdemelte. Ralph (is) a jövő Eclipsét látja az autóban, de a legjobban a karbonbetétes polírozott könnyűfém felnik jönnek be neki!

Overall I love the execution of this car. I was excited when Hammer told me of the Eclipse competition and there was a lot of good work out there, but from a real point of view this is my favourite piece out of all the competitions I have judged. From the way Mitsubishi is going I could definitely see them releasing this car as the next model of the Eclipse. I will begin with what is in my view the only negative for this car, the front bumper. I would have liked to see a slightly more aggressive front bumper, maybe going down straight or slightly outward as opposed to inwards, other than that the car is perfect! The two tone hood and side panels together with the wide arches work perfectly in tandem accentuating the extra width of the car. The gap in the hood for the engine cover is one of the best parts of the car for me. It is done smoothly enough as to flow with the rest of the car but really gives the car that powerful, racer look. My favourite part of the whole car is the wheels. It seems to me as if the spokes are polished on the outside with the carbon showing through on the inside. This for me was the icing on the cake .. excellent work!

2 komment

Címkék: kihívás gabesz hvtm honda civic kallio bosstylist virtuáltuning sapee goodie ford puma audi rs4 mitsubishi eclipse gaz siber


A hozzászólások a vonatkozó jogszabályok  értelmében felhasználói tartalomnak minősülnek, értük a szolgáltatás technikai  üzemeltetője semmilyen felelősséget nem vállal, azokat nem ellenőrzi. Kifogás esetén forduljon a blog szerkesztőjéhez. Részletek a  Felhasználási feltételekben és az adatvédelmi tájékoztatóban.

Airnold · 2008.09.18. 21:44:54

Az az Elcipse, te jó isten... O_o
Irgalmatlanul profi munka...

Kallio · 2008.09.20. 21:56:36

Köszönöm az elismerést, Airnold...:)
süti beállítások módosítása